Got overpaid U.S. tax woes? Let’s figure out when’s the best time to file for that refund and dive into the nitty-gritty of the process.
Wrapping It Up: When Does the US Tax Year Come to a Close?
First off, the US tax year rounds off on December 31st, stretching from January to December. This date is key as it marks the end of the US tax year.
Timing is Everything: The Art of Patiently Navigating Deadlines
Here’s the twist – you can only file for a refund after the US tax year ends for the current filing year. And for previous years? You have a three-year period to get back that overpaid tax. If you miss this window, unfortunately, that extra tax paid slips away forever.
Tax Calendar Examples: Simple Scenarios
Imagine you sold a property in the U.S. in January and 15% FIRPTA Tax was withheld. You’re keen to file for a refund, but you need to wait until the next January to do so. Once you file, the refund process can take up to 6 months. That means it could be a full 18 months before you see your tax refund.
Similar wait times apply to other income types, often with a few extra months added. For example, if 30% tax is withheld on dividends or royalties received in February, you need patience. Wait for the company to send you the 1042-S form, which usually arrives in February or March of the following year. If it doesn’t pop up in your email, international mail is your next point of contact.
Paper Trails and Patience: The Post-Filing Process Explained
After you’ve filed your tax return, the waiting begins. For returns from the current tax year, you might get your refund within 6 months. But if it’s for a previous tax year, prepare for a 6 to 12-month wait. And that’s assuming everything goes smoothly. If the IRS needs extra paperwork, can’t find your tax (especially if your US tax number is missing on the 1042-S), or accidentally files it under the wrong year (yes, it happens), the wait gets longer.
Also, it’s common for the IRS to send an informational letter (LTR 5877C) just to let you know they’re working on it and will contact you if they need more information.
Silver Lining: Interest for Your Patience
Here’s a bit of good news amid the delays: the IRS actually pays you interest on the refunded amount. So, even with the waiting and hurdles, there’s a silver lining – the IRS makes sure your patience is a bit more rewarding. Definitely a reason to smile!